Saturday, 2 July 2011



To succeed you must to know and believe that thought are things (result), in accord with nature and feeling of the thought. More personally, your thoughts manifest in your life experience, in accord with the emotions and feelings you associate with your thoughts.
One of the simplest statements of the universal law of thought is “as man think in his heart so he is” this means that man is what he is because of the of the dominating thought that he permit to occupy his mind. Your heart is the centre of your true feelings and emotions. It is always focused on the things that are important to you, your value systems and how you feel about yourself. For example if you have the thought that financial independence is one of your primary objectives in life, then financial independence will begin to manifest in your life over a reasonable period of time. If it does not, then look into your inner feelings. Inside you may feel, for whatever reasons, that you are not worthy of financial independence. If you do not feel, in your heart – in your basic feeling nature about yourself – that you deserve the things, conditions, or circumstances that you described in your thoughts, then they will not happen for you. They will not manifest in your life experience.
The essence of the universal law of thought and manifestation is that a thought has two basic aspects:
1. A rational aspect – the statement of the thought itself, the idea, the words.
2. An emotional aspect – the personal feelings and emotions associated with the thought.
What you recognize (in your thinking), you energize (in your feelings and emotions),
What you energize (in your feelings, and emotions), you realize (in your life experience)
The universal law of thought and manifestation covers three main areas:
1. Thought you have about yourself – your self – image
2. Thoughts you have about others - your attitude.
3. Thoughts you have about the world in general, your world perspective – your outlook on life, your frame of reference.

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